Case Study 1

Project Description
This client is a local business based in the extremely crowded market of Chicago. They have competitors on the same street and multiple competitors within a 2 square mile radius.
The business had been performing poorly for a number of years. Then it was sold.
The new owners desperately needed help setting themselves apart.
We performed extensive keyword research and competitor analysis and used the data to create and implement an SEO strategy. As a result, we increased their impressions on Google (purple line in the below graph).

Phase 2
Growing impressions is the first step.
However, it is not the end. Once we raised their business profile (getting their listing in front of more potential customers) it was important to give customers reasons to click their listing so we can also grow their click-through rate (blue line in the graph above).
After all, it is one thing to raise a business profile, but if no one clicks on the listing it is pointless.
Therefore, it was critical to guide this business through optimizing and maintaining their Google Business Profile. We have data that shows how critical this aspect of local SEO and marketing is to overall performance.
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