Case Study 2

Project Description
This Minnesota-based local business had been struggling for many years. Over the course of several phone calls and Zoom meetings we were able to gain a clear understanding of their goals and previous failed marketing efforts.
We performed extensive keyword research. We also did a deep dive into their competitors to gain an understanding of what other marketing efforts they were up against.
Based on the results of our conversations and research we created a data-based two-pronged strategy to begin building their business.
The purple line below tracks impressions on Google (ie how many potential customers saw their business in search queries).
Since we have started working with this client their impressions have been steadily increasing, meaning their business has been in front of more potential customers than it has been in their history.

Phase 2
However, our work does not stop after the strategy is in place and producing results.
Just because this business is improving impressions and rank does not guarantee potential customers will click on their listing.
Based on our experience and extensive historical data, we devised a strategy to satisfy both Google as well as human customers to make the listing appealing to new customers using the tools within Google Business Profile.
As a result, their click-thru-rate (CTR) has increased in proportion to impressions. This is shown in the blue line in the above data graph from Google Search Console.
We continue to work with this client in order to be proactive with new user trends, new guidelines from Google as well as various other marketing “best practices”.
This client is doing very well and have seen some of the highest monthly revenue numbers since they opened their doors in 1983.
How can we help grow your business?